The enchanted oasis of Bidderosa: a guarded white sand paradise in Sardinia

Venture to an out-of-this-world place, a resplendent oasis nestled in the greenery of Sardinia. Discover the oasis of Bidderosa, an earthly paradise consisting of five dreamy coves surrounded by forests and Mediterranean scrub.

Stroll through its streets framed by junipers, pines and holm oaks, dive into crystal-clear waters and admire the dance of centuries-old junipers on the white beaches.

Experience the thrill of exploring hiking trails, admiring artistic granite reliefs and swimming in a sea of fine sand and sea lilies. Bidderosa is a guarded treasure, a sanctuary of quiet and beauty.

photo by Riccardo Mantica
An out-of-this-world oasis in Sardinia (Italy)
The shining white of the sand will suddenly open up before you after a long road framed by junipers, pines and holm oaks. The feeling is of a place out of this world, in reality it exists, and how very much, it is the oasis of Bidderosa (Sardinia - Italy): five dreamy coves guarded in a park of 860 hectares, largely formed by woods and Mediterranean scrub, protected by the Forestry Authority and entrusted to the municipality of Orosei, from which it is 13 kilometers north
photo by Riccardo Mantica
Enjoy the reserve
Entry by car and motorcycle is limited from May to the end of October. By bike or on foot there is no seasonal limit, but you must abide by regulations to preserve this quiet corner surrounded by greenery. With a trekking excursion you will totally immerse yourself in the reserve: you will admire the chase of greenery, artistic granite reliefs, centuries-old junipers lying on snow-white shorelines.
photo by Riccardo Mantica
Enchanting landscapes to explore
Fine white sand, sea lilies and outcropping granite rocks characterize the five creeks: an enchanting, quiet landscape, scented by vegetation and washed by crystal-clear, shallow water. You will swim and snorkel in waters with a constant depth even tens of meters from the shore. The oasis is also includes Mount Tuttavista, cloaked in cork and holm oaks, Fuile 'e Mare and Senna 'e Sachita, covered with Aleppo and domestic pines, where you'll find tables for picnics and relaxation during sultry hours.
photo by Riccardo Mantica
Magical places to discover
Eucalyptus trees, junipers and Mediterranean essences will welcome you at the end of the dirt access path to the creeks, which winds through the pine forest and skirts the sa Curcurica lagoon (the moorhen in Orosei dialect), populated by resident and migratory birds, which you will observe from birdwatching stations. Next door is Mount Urcatu: from the summit you'll see miles of neat trails and clean beaches. Bidderosa is the pearl of Orosei, a renowned tourist center that can boast Cala Liberotto, Cala Ginepro, Marina di Orosei and Cala Osalla, on the border with Dorgali, among other dream beaches.
photo by Riccardo Mantica
There are birdwatching spots
Along the way you are enthralled by this picture-postcard paradise, so be careful not to get too distracted while driving, although the required speed is that of 20 km/h, to avoid hazards and ground dust. Rushing does no good and makes you miss the moment on exciting floristic details. Along the dirt stretch you will come across the huge pond of Sa Curcurica and the smaller pond of Bidderosa. On this drive to the beaches you will observe signs pointing out Birdwatching, which are strategic spots where you can admire bird species such as pink flamingos, grey herons and egrets. There are also various signs for trekking routes
photo by Riccardo Mantica
Where the Bidderosa Oasis is located.
The beaches of Biderosa are about 50 km south of Olbia (Sardinia-Italy) and can be reached via the ss 125 in the direction of Orosei, well indicated by signs on the road. The entrance can be recognized by a large wooden sign pointing in the direction of the reception, where the information office is located.
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