Seven things you may not know about the Spanish Steps in Seville

It is one of the most beautiful, largest and most famous squares in the world, but also the Plaza de España in Seville still holds secrets that not everyone knows. Also the protagonist of many successful movie films, it retains within itself the true soul ofAndalusia, a region divided between two worlds, the Arab and the Christian.

Did you know that the canals around are navigable? And that you can attend impromptu flamenco shows every day? This and much more hides this magnificent place, let's discover together all that, perhaps, you do not know.

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The symbolism of the Spanish Steps in Seville
The Spanish Steps were built following a strong symbolism. In fact, its semicircular shape represents the embrace of the motherland towards its former colonies. In addition, the square is oriented toward Guadalquivir, the river that runs through Seville, the place from which the journey to America, i.e., the former colonies, began.
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Why there are 48 benches instead of 50
Arranged in a semicircle within the plaza are 48 benches all finely decorated representing the Spanish provinces, which nevertheless number 50. How come? The Canaries were represented with only one bench, because Las Palmas and Santa Cruz did not become provinces until 1927, when the benches were probably already built. Also, there is no Seville bench, but instead there are four busts representing scenes from Seville.
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Spanish Steps excludes the Arab-Iberian period
Arab rule in Andalusia (Andalusia comes from the Arabic Al-Andalus, as do all Spanish words beginning with -al) lasted a full eight centuries and left huge furrows throughout the region, including Seville. Four bridges, covered with majolica tiles, representing the Spanish kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, Leon and Navarre, were built within the square. The bridges form a perfect symmetry in the plaza.
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The fountain was not included in the original design
The fountain present in the center of the square was not in the original design, but was added in 1928 by Vicente Traver, who was given the direction of the project after the resignation of the architect designated at the beginning, namely Annibale Gonzalez. For many, this fountain broke the lonely feeling of the square, and it was criticized for this.
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Flamenco shows every day
One of the most beautiful "attractions" of the Spanish Steps are the street performers, who in the middle of the square or under the arcades give flamenco shows in a unique setting. Many people gather every day to admire the Iberian dance, with one of the most impressive buildings in Europe behind it.
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The river is navigable
It is not uncommon to see especially loving couples enjoying a ride on the waterway that runs along the Spanish Steps. At 500 meters long, it is a very romantic situation and perfect for making an impression.
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Spanish Steps in the history of cinema
The Andalusian plaza has also been the set of some very successful films. It has been shown in both the Star Wars franchise (2002's Episode II: Attack of the Clones), and also in Lawrence of Arabia (1962).
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