Inauguration of one of the three steepest ski slopes in the world, called Black Wall

In the Swiss Alps, a black slope called 'one of the three steepest in the world' was inaugurated by the company that manages the Glacier 3000 ski resort of Les Diablerets, in the Canton of Vaud.

Called 'Black Wall', it is a three-kilometre descent that, thanks to a 265-metre-long tunnel carved into the mountain, makes it possible to ski from the highest part of the lifts (over 3,000 metres) to the col du Pillon (1,546 metres).

Its maximum gradient of 104% (46°),' Glacier 3000 announces, 'makes it steeper than the Streif in Kitzbühel (Austria) or the Lauberhorn in Wengen (Switzerland), two famous downhill events of the Alpine Ski World Cup.

Glacier 3000
Inauguration of one of the three steepest ski slopes in the world, called Black Wall
In the Swiss Alps, a black slope was inaugurated, described as 'one of the three steepest in the world' by the company that manages the Glacier 3000 ski area in Les Diablerets, Canton Vaud.
Glacier 3000
Named 'Black Wall"
It is a three-kilometre descent that, thanks to a 265-metre tunnel carved into the mountain, allows you to ski from the highest part of the lifts (over 3,000 metres) to the col du Pillon (1,546 metres).
Glacier 3000
Its maximum gradient is 104%
This makes it steeper than the Streif in Kitzbühel (Austria) or the Lauberhorn in Wengen (Switzerland), two famous downhill events of the Alpine Ski World Cup. "Only very good skiers will be able to tackle this slope," explains Bernhard Tschannen, the company's managing director.
Glacier 3000
Preparing it also required the use of a snowcat with a 1400-meter winch.
Black Wall is located in the Pierres Pointes sector, which was used for skiing from 1963 to 1999. At the time, this slope was served by a gondola, which was dismantled with the renovation of the facilities.
Glacier 3000
For the past 20 years, the cable car has been used as the only means of transport for skiers up and downhill.
Now this facility serves a black slope and a ski route. This is done by means of a tunnel and an indoor ski carpet, which can be covered in less than a minute.
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