The ghost of "Azzurrina": where is the Italian castle haunted by the spirit of a little girl

The legend of Azzurrina, the little girl who mysteriously died in 1375 and haunts Montebello Castle

Azzurrina, the story of the little girl
Born around 1370, Guendalina was the daughter of Ugolinuccio di Montebello, feudal lord of Montebello, in the province of Rimini (Emilia-Romagna). The child died prematurely on June 21, 1375, the day of the summer solstice. It is said that Guendalina was albino: at the time, popular superstition associated albinism with the devil and witchcraft. Because of this, her mother allegedly decided to periodically dye her hair, which thus had blue highlights, like her eyes: hence, she was nicknamed "Azzurrina."
The death of Azzurrina
Because of prejudice, her father decided to have her live under guard in Montebello Castle, never letting her leave the fortress. It is said that on June 21, 1375, while her father was fighting in battle, Azzurrina was playing with a rag ball while a storm was raging outside. The guards recounted this: the ball allegedly fell down a staircase leading to the underground icebox, and the child broke in there to retrieve the toy. The guards then reported hearing a scream coming from the icehouse: however, upon entering through the only entrance, there was no sign of either the ball or the little girl, who was never found again.
The ghost of Azzurrina
Legend has it that the little girl's damned ghost is still present in the castle: Azzurrina then, would make her voice heard every five years, coinciding with the summer solstice, at the very spot where she disappeared, the one in the photo (the corridor with the trapdoor leading to the icebox where little Azzurrina is said to have disappeared).
Spirit recordings
Since the reopening to the public of the castle, which is listed as one of Italy's national monuments, searches have been carried out continuously with the aim of capturing and recording the noises produced by the alleged ghost. The recordings made so far are normally played to visitors at the end of a guided tour of the fortress. Every year many tourists flock to Montebello on June 21 to try to sense the presence of the ghost.
Today, Montebello Castle can be visited all year round, even with some night shifts (9:30 p.m.-11 p.m.).If you are a thrill-seeker, book a visit on the day of the summer solstice, to try to catch the presence of poor Azzurrina...
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