Discovering Crystal Worlds, Swarovski's crystal paradise

Swarovski Crystal Worlds is one of the most incredible and fascinating places in the world. Located in the heart of the city of Wattens, Austria, this crystal museum offers visitors an unforgettable experience in a world of magic and beauty. The museum was opened in 1995 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the  Swarovski company, which built its reputation on the production of high-quality crystal.

Here visitors can admire unique works of art made from Swarovski crystals, immerse themselves in fantastic crystal worlds and enjoy the spectacle of crystal fountains that light up with plays of light and color.

In this photo gallery, we will explore together some of the wonders of Swarovski Crystal Worlds and let you discover why this museum has become such a world-famous tourist destination.

By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Discovering Crystal Worlds, Swarovski's crystal paradise
"Swarovski Crystal Worlds" is one of the most incredible and fascinating places in the world. Located in the heart of the city of Wattens, Austria, this crystal museum offers visitors an unforgettable experience in a world of magic and beauty. The museum was opened in 1995 to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Swarovski company, which built its reputation on the production of high-quality crystal. Here visitors can admire unique works of art made from Swarovski crystals, immerse themselves in fantastic crystal worlds and enjoy the spectacle of crystal fountains that light up with plays of light and color. In this photo gallery, we will explore together some of the wonders of "Swarovski Crystal Worlds" and let you discover why this museum has become such a world-famous tourist destination.
Wikimedia Commons - By BKP
Swarovski Crystal Worlds
"Swarovski Crystal Worlds" (from the German Swarovski Kristallwelten), is a museum and tourist attraction located in Wattens, Austria. It was designed by the artist André Heller and opened in 1995 on the occasion of the company's centenary Swarovski. Over the years, the project was expanded in 1998, 2003 and 2007.
Wikimedia Commons - By Marek Śliwecki
The Giant, at the entrance of Swarovski Crystal Worlds - André Heller
The main attraction of "Swarovski Crystal Worlds" is a set of 18 exhibition halls, called "Chambers of Wonder," which are reached through an entrance adorned with a large head from which streams of water emerge, commonly known as "The Giant."
Wikimedia Commons - By HellasX
Chambers of Wonder
These rooms were inspired by the "wunderkammer" of the 16th century, and were made, conceived or inspired by well-known artists, designers and architects, including Brian Eno, Tord Boontje, Niki de Saint Phalle, Jim Whiting, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dalí and Yayoi Kusama. In addition to the "Chambers of Wonder," "Crystal Worlds" in fact offers a wide range of services and entertainment areas, such as a park, a store and a restaurant. In this photo we can see the entire facility from above.
By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Crystal Dome 
The "Crystal Dome" is a geodesic-style structure designed inspired by the dome of famous architect Sir Richard Buckminster Fuller. Made of 595 mirrors, it offers a three-dimensional effect that gives the feeling of being inside a crystal. In addition to being equipped with eight "spy" mirrors concealing works of art, the "Crystal Dome" is accompanied by music by Brian Eno. Due to its spectacular nature, this structure is highly coveted as a location for weddings and ceremonies.
By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Crystallized carousel- Jaime Hayon
The "Crystallized Carousel" is an interactive installation created by artist-designer Jaime Hayon adorned with 15 million  Swarovski crystals. It consists of a modern black-and-white carousel that mixes elements of contemporary design and folklore to create a fairy-tale atmosphere. The installation is located in the southwest corner of the garden, near other family attractions such as a four-story play tower and an outdoor playground.
By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Into Lattice Sun - Lee Bul
South Korean artist Lee Bul was inspired by modern architecture, creating a urban, utopian and dramatic landscape. The installation explores the interactions between the visitor and space, using an infinity of crystals and mirrors to give the illusion of ever-changing spatial vastness and depth. The work invites visitors to reflect on their position in space through an ever-changing interplay of facets and reflections, intensified by a symbolic bridge leading through this fascinating landscape.
By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Labyrinth, André Heller
The park's landscape features several attractions, but one of the most fascinating is the green "Labyrinth" in the shape of a hand designed by André Heller, which invites visitors to explore it and play hide-and-seek.
By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Chandelier of Grief - Yayoi Kusama
The installation at Yayoi Kusama revolves around a Swarovski crystal chandelier that comes to life in a room completely covered in mirrors, creating the illusion of infinite space.
By Swarovski Kristallwelten
Transparent opacity - Arik Levy
"Transparent Opacity" by Arik Levy is a work of art that celebrates the variety of crystal. The title itself highlights the two seemingly contradictory qualities: transparency and impenetrability. The room's installation plays with a wide range of materials, from sheets of glass, marble and steel to synthetic 3D prints, creating an interplay of shapes and sizes. This interaction becomes extremely dynamic in "Interactive Arena", which captures and reflects every movement.
By David Spigiel
Eden Chamber of Wonder - Fredrikson Stallard
"Eden Chamber of Wonder" is an installation that evokes the primal force of nature, particularly the forest. But this is no ordinary forest, but rather an ancient fantasy world, in which the visitor is greeted by a waterfall and its roar, reflected from the walls. The path winds through polished brass structures, reflecting like mirrors, that seem to go on forever. To complete the installation, the largest Swarovski gems ever produced sprout, symbols of the magnificence of nature and the origins of life.
Wikimedia Commons - By Zairon
FAMOS (Pyramid of Cheops) - Blue Noses
FAMOS, created by the Russian artist duo Blue Noses, features four architectural monuments cut into crystal by Swarovski: the Taj Mahal, the Pyramid of Cheops,Empire State Building and the Mausoleum of Lenin. The Russian artist duo Blue Noses has placed funny videos inside the exhibition pieces, visible only by looking at them from above. In this photo we see the Monocrystal Pyramid of Cheops.
Wikimedia Commons - By Zairon
FAMOS (Taj Mahal) - Blue Noses
In this photo we see the FAMOS Taj Mahal monocrystal, the Russian artist duo Blue Noses
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