A train station passes through the middle of an apartment building: the incredible photos from China

Liziba is a real monorail station on Line 2 of the Chongqing Rail Transit in the municipality of Chongqing, China. It is located in the Yuzhong district, and was opened in 2005.

This station occupies the sixth, seventh and eighth floors of a 19-storey building. It took extreme and highly modern engineering solutions to isolate the station's noise from the surrounding houses.

Incredible but true, the monorail and the building were built at the same time as a single body, and not in succession. For the locals, Liziba is much more than a railway station.

By David290 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
In China, a train station passes through the middle apartment building
Liziba is a real monorail station on Line 2 of the Chongqing Rail Transit in the municipality of Chongqing, China. It is located in the Yuzhong district, and was opened in 2005.
By MNXANL - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
In China, a train station passes through the middle apartment building
This station occupies the sixth, seventh and eighth floors of a 19-storey building. Extreme and highly modern engineering solutions for noise reduction were required to isolate the station's noise from the surrounding dwellings.
By N509FZ - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
In China, a train station passes through the middle apartment building
Incredible but true, the monorail and the building were built at the same time as a single body, and not in succession. For the locals, Liziba is much more than a railway station.
By Junyi Lou - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
In China, a train station passes through the middle apartment building
As the official website states, 'thanks to the wisdom of connecting flats with the light rail, Liziba is at the forefront of public transport in the mountain city, without ever stopping. In addition to this incredible transport, Liziba is full of sweet stories and hard stories'.
By Junyi Lou - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
In China, a train station passes through the middle apartment building
For the locals, Liziba is much more than a railway station. It is the home of people's daily lives, of memories of historical wars and of many stories yet to be discovered. As the first elevated station built transversely in an area full of skyscrapers, it has been known the world over since its inception.
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