The wonders of the Miramare castle in Trieste

The wonderful castle of Miramare is an absolutely unmissable stop for all those who spend a few days in the city of Trieste.

Just under 7 kilometers from the city center, the castle is easily accessible by train and bus by those who do not have their own vehicle. Those who wish can explore the surroundings of the building, with the charming garden, terraces and breathtaking sea views.

In addition, it is possible to book the entrance for the visit to the interior of the castle, to admire the rooms and make your trip even more unforgettable. An experience not to be missed.

The jewel of Trieste
Miramare Castle is a historic building and museum of Trieste. The complex, surrounded by a large park, was originally built between 1856 and 1860.
Barbara Vellucci
A breathtaking view
The castle of Miramare is just under 7 kilometers from Trieste and is easily accessible by any means. When you arrive, its sight leaves you breathless.
Barbara Vellucci
The garden surrounding the castle
The castle is surrounded by a large park of about 22 hectares characterized by a wide variety of plants. In the park there is also the castelletto, a smaller building.
Barbara Vellucci
The castle museum
The castle is used as a museum. Inside there is also a valuable collection of oriental vases. All rooms are well preserved and retain all the original furnishings including ornaments, furniture and objects dating back to the mid-nineteenth century.
Barbara Vellucci
A castle that inspired famous poetic verses
Giosuè Carducci, in his Odi barbare, dedicated memorable verses to the castle of Miramare.
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