The ten best cities in the world according to a study conducted by Worldsbestcities

The 10 best cities in the world according to a study published in

A recent study conducted by Resonance Consultancy for evaluates the best cities in the world based on six metrics: location, product, programming, people, prosperity and promotion. The performance of the top 100 cities collected in the study is summarized in radar graphs. Each hexagon in a radar graph represents a category of a city's competitive identity. For more information about the study you can visit the Worldsbestcities.comwebsite.

Here is the list of the 10 cities that scored the highest in the study.

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The 10 best cities in the world according to a study conducted by Worldsbestcities
The 10 best cities in the world according to a study published in Worldsbestcities. A recent study conducted by Resonance Consultancy evaluates the best cities in the world based on six metrics: location, product, programming, people, prosperity and promotion. The performance of the top 100 cities collected in the study is summarized in radar graphs. Each hexagon in a radar graph represents a category of a city's competitive identity. For more information about the study, you can visit the Worldsbestcities.comwebsite. Here is the list of the 10 cities that scored the highest in the study.
By Nikolai Karaneschev, CC BY 3.0,
10) Amsterdam, Netherlands
In 10th place in this ranking we find Amsterdam, the smallest city in this selection. The study highlights the "care for others and the availability of the locals", a characteristic that earns the city a place among the top three classified in the parameter "Income Equality" and the fifth position for the parameter "Labor Force Participation".
By Ray in Manila - Marina Bay, Financial District and Singapore River, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wi
9) Singapore, Asia
In 9th place in this ranking we find Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, a sovereign island state and city-state in maritime Southeast Asia. The commitment to research and innovation ensures that for decades to come will host a sustainable and rich citizenship. Singapore It has never been out of the Top 10 in the seven years of this ranking.
Di Felipe Gabaldón - originally posted to Flickr as Gran Vía (Madrid), CC BY 2.0, https://commons.
8) Madrid, Spain
Eighth place in this ranking for Madrid, Spain's capital and most populous city, the second largest city in the European Union (EU) and second largest in the EU by metropolitan area. Madrid suffered a lot at the beginning of the pandemic, but It got back on its feet through innovation in infrastructure and assets public, through attention to existing resources with the belief that even old structures can be modernized. Madrid yes Ranks 13th according to the "Place" parameter because of the high budget projects that have been scheduled. Also noteworthy are the measures taken by the city to fight climate change and pollution.
7) Rome, Italy
7th position in this ranking for Rome, the Eternal City. The capital of Italy, generally considered the "cradle of Western civilization and Christian culture" and the center of the Catholic Church, is among the most popular destinations when it comes to Western history. Rome is described as a city Modern, safe and accessible. The city ranks in the top five in world level for the parameter "Sights & Landmarks” thanks to the recent Rise of the city's culinary scene and cultural landmarks present.
Di Vista_de_Barcelona.jpg: zeniloracderivative work: IgnisFatuus (talk) - Vista_de_Barcelona.jpg, CC
6) Barcelona, Spain
In 6th place in this ranking is Barcelona, capital and the largest city in the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second largest city Spain's most populous municipality. Barcelona is one of the largest metropolises of the Mediterranean Sea, and is described as an almost ideal city: "Climate almost perfect all year round, three miles of beaches within the city limits, Iconic parks, striking architecture, and colorful neighborhoods marching at its own pace: artistic, sophisticated, bohemian". Barcelona is positioned at the sixth place in the "Place" ranking, which measures both the natural environment and the built of a city.
By Ivan Siarbolin -, CC0, https
5) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
In fifth position we find Dubai, the most populous city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai, the most populated by the 7 emirates of the United Arab Emirates. Founded in the eighteenth century as A small fishing village, the town grew rapidly in the beginning of the XXI century with a focus on tourism and luxury, with the second hotel in Five stars in the world and the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, tall 828 metres. The city is described as "a fascinating blend of experiences". exaggerated, Arab heritage and luxury shopping".
By Gussisaurio - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
4) Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, officially the metropolis of Tokyo, is the capital and the largest city in Japan. Tokyo serves as Japan's economic center and is the seat of both the Japanese government and the Emperor of Japan. Yes It ranks fourth in this special ranking. Tokyo has maintained a Along its first place as one of the safest metropolises on the planet, ranking fourth in the "Safety" subcategory.
3) New York, USA
In third place in this special ranking we find New York, often called New York City or NYC, the most populous city in the States United. New York City is a cultural, financial, entertainment and Global average with significant influence on trade, healthcare and life sciences, research, technology, education, politics, tourism, catering, art, fashion, and sports. United Nations Headquarters New York is an important centre for international diplomacy. New York is described as one of the cities that have managed to relaunch themselves better after the pandemic.
2) Paris, France
Second place in this special ranking for Paris, the capital and the most populous city of France. Since the 17th century, Paris has been one of the world's major centres of finance, diplomacy, commerce, fashion, gastronomy and science. For his role as Foreground in the arts and sciences, as well as for its very first system of street lighting, in the nineteenth century became known as "the City of the Light". Paris was ranked as the best in the world in the our subcategory "Sights & Landmarks", as well as among the top three for museums (the city has well over 100).
1) London, England
London, capital and largest city of England and the The United Kingdom, with a population of just under 9 million, ranks at first place. As one of the world's leading global cities, London exerts a strong influence on art, entertainment, fashion, commerce and finance, education, healthcare, media, science and technology, tourism, transport and communications. The city is still at the top of our category "Promotion", resulting in the lead for hashtag Instagram, check-in up Facebook (Meta) and TripAdvisor. London continues to reign as The best city on the planet for the seventh consecutive year.
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