In this hotel you can simultaneously sleep in two states

Those looking for a very original hotel accommodation should know that there is a hotel that is able to have its guests stay in two states at the same time.

Such an establishment is the Hotel Arbez Franco Suisse, which can be found in the small village of La Cure, right on the border line separating France from Switzerland. Starting in 1862, in fact, due to the International Treaty of Dappes, the territory ceased to be entirely French and was equally divided with Switzerland.

Today the hotel is run by Alexander Peyron, who inherited it from his family.
The hotel that makes people stay in two different states at the same time
Those who are looking for a very original hotel accommodation should know that there is a hotel that can have its guests stay in two states at the same time. Where is it located and what is the hotel called? Let's find out.
The hotel that makes you stay in two different states at the same time
Such a facility is the Hotel Arbez Franco Suisse, which can be found in the small village of La Cure, right on the border line separating France from Switzerland. Sleeping in one state and using the bathroom in another? Here it is possible.
How were the Hotel Arbez Franco Suisse born
Starting in 1862, in fact, because of the International Treaty of Dappes, the territory of La Cure ceased to be entirely French and was equally divided with Switzerland, leaving the existing structures unchanged. A French businessman at the time took advantage of this to build a hotel over a grocery store located on the Swiss side of the border and an existing pub on the French side.
The bed half in France and half in Switzerland
Today the hotel is run by Alexander Peyron, who inherited it from his family and runs it as a family business. In some rooms, the bed is perfectly divided between Switzerland and France for a truly "alternative" experience.
A peculiar but also historical hotel
A curiosity about this very special hotel: in 1962 it was used as a secret location for the secret negotiations that led Algeria to gain independence from France.
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