Places that could become a Unesco world heritage site

The list of places and sites eligible to become UNESCO World Heritage Sites is constantly being updated.

Nominations, each year, are numerous, and it often takes a long time before a place can be officially declared a world heritage site. The process to be followed is outlined step by step by UNESCO itself.

This procedure was adopted in 1972 and has set itself the goal of identifying and maintaining the list of sites that represent special features of exceptional importance from a cultural or natural point of view and that must therefore be preserved with great care and attention.

The places and sites that could become a Unesco World Heritage Site
The list of places and sites eligible to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site is constantly being updated.Nominations, each year, are numerous, and it often takes a long time before a place can be officially declared a World Heritage Site. The process to be followed is outlined step by step by Unesco itself.This procedure was adopted in 1972 and has set itself the goal of identifying and maintaining the list of sites that represent special features of exceptional importance from a cultural or natural point of view and for this reason must be preserved with great care and attention. The Duomo of Milan (Italy), for example, has just made its candidacy official.
Ancient Jericho (Palestine)
Ancient Jericho is a potential candidate for being registered on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites.
Civita di Bagnoregio (Italy)
Also nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site is Civita di Bagnoregio, the Italian village nicknamed "the dying city."
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Eise Eisinga Planetarium (Holland)
Eise Eisinga Planetarium is an 18th-century mechanical planetarium located in the Dutch city of Franeker.
The volcanic and forest area of Martinique
A Caribbean island belonging to France, Martinique is a candidate for a UNESCO World Heritage Site with its volcanic and forested area.
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Altai Plateau (Mongolia)
The plateau ofAltai (Mongolia) is the habitat of rare or endangered species of animals, which is why it is important to protect and preserve it.
Island of Djerba (Tunisia)
The Tunisian island of Djerba could become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The island has a rich past and archaeological evidence of different civilizations.
Archaeological site of Koh Ker (Cambodia)
The Cambodian archaeological site of ancient Lingapura or Chok Gargyar has applied for World Heritage status.
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Masouleh (Iran)
The historic Iranian city of Masouleh is known for its multi-tiered cityscape to fit the natural slopes.
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Sacred complexes of theHoysala
The sacred complexes ofHoysala include two groups of 11th-14th century temples. The temple Chennakeshava at Belur remains an important pilgrimage center.
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