How is Christmas celebrated in Spain?

How is Christmas celebrated in Spain? In Spain, Christmas is celebrated twice: the first, on Christmas Eve in December and the second, according to Catholic tradition, to the Three Kings.

Who brings gifts to Spanish children? What are the special traditions and traditional foods offered during the festive period? In Catalonia there is a particular tradition of Tió de Nadal. In any case, celebrating Christmas in Spain is an unforgettable experience.

Browse the gallery to find out what are the Christmas customs in Spain and the typical Christmas food.

How is Christmas celebrated in Spain?
Browse the gallery to find out what are the Christmas customs in Spain and the typical Christmas food.
The beginning of Christmas
The unofficial start of Christmas in Spain is on December 22, when the results of the Lotería de Navidad, the Christmas lottery, are announced. It has been held since 1763 and is considered the greatest gambling game of all time. It is announced by the children of an elementary school in Madrid and the live broadcast captures screens all over the country. The highest prize is El Gordo, which will bring the winner 4 million euros.
Who brings the gifts?
According to tradition, the Three Kings go from house to house, at night, on camels and leave gifts for children in prepared shoes. In the evening the children prepare water for the camels in front of the door or on the balcony, go to sleep and in the morning, when they get up, they find presents.
How do they celebrate Christmas in Spain - who brings the gifts?
Due to the influence of Anglo-Saxon culture, the Spanish created an equivalent of Santa Claus called Papa Noel.
Tió de Nadal
In Catalonia we encounter a special tradition: during the month of December, children build a Tió de Nadal figure out of wood or cardboard.
Christmas Eve (Nochebuena)
Christmas Eve (Nochebuena), December 24, is more than gifts, because it is associated with a large family gathering and a great party. The Spanish festive dinner lasts from about 20:00 until midnight.
Typical Christmas meal
Spaniards don't have a typical Christmas meal. For Christmas Day, the favorite food of family members is prepared. Some festive foods include turkey, roast ham, lamb, and pork.
Roscón de los Reyes
On the day of the Three Kings the traditional Roscón de los Reyesis prepared, reminiscent of panettone but knitted, in the shape of a circle, and decorated with candied fruit, figs and almonds. In its dough is cooked a figure of a king and a bean. According to legend, the one who comes across the figure while eating, becomes king, and the one who finds the bean pays roscón.
Misa del Gallo: Midnight mass
After dinner, some families, according to Catholic tradition, go to midnight mass on the Misa del Gallo. Christians believe that it was a rooster that first announced the birth of Jesus.
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