How to celebrate New Year's Eve in different countries: six special traditions to discover.

How to celebrate New Year's Eve in different countries: 6 special traditions to discover. With the approach of the new year it is legitimate to wonder how New Year's Eve is celebrated in the world. There are only a few days left until the end of 2022 and we are all waiting for the arrival of the new year. Each country has its own traditions that should be maintained on New Year's Eve so that they bring good luck throughout the following year. Today we awaken six of the most curious and particular traditions that are customs in Europe. Browse the gallery to find out more.

How to celebrate New Year's Eve in different countries: 6 special traditions to discover
There are only a few days left until the end of 2022 and we are all waiting for the arrival of the new year. Each country has its own traditions that should be maintained on New Year's Eve so that they bring good luck throughout the following year. Today we wake you up six curious and particular traditions that are custom for New Year's Eve in Europe. Browse the gallery to find out more:
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In Italy, on the last day of the year, old useless things should fly out of the windows. There is a sign: the more useless objects are thrown away in the old year, the more wealth there will be in the new one.
A figurine of the chimney sweep is considered an excellent gift. For tradition, meeting a chimney sweep on the street is considered a good sign that brings good luck. So a chimney sweep figurine should bring good luck in the New Year.
Scots come to visit on New Year's Eve with a slice of cake, a glass of wine and charcoal. They believe it will bring food, drink and warmth to homeowners year-round.
Swedes have a habit of exchanging homemade candles on New Year's Eve. In this northern country, in winter it is dark and cold, so candles give people light and warmth.
Before the tradition was like this: you had to go down to the cellar where there was a barrel of wine, touch it with a glass and wish a good harvest. Today not all houses, let alone an apartment, have a cellar, so the version of tradition has become simpler: it is enough to have at least one bottle of good wine on the table.
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