Wells and fountains of desires: here are the most famous in the world

The wells and fountains of wishes are an ancient tradition that is found in many cultures around the world.

These places of worship have been considered for centuries as bearers of luck and blessings, and have often been decorated with significant symbols and images.

In this photo gallery we will explore some of the most famous wishing wells and fountains in the world, from the Trevi fountain in Italy, to the Petrifying well of Knaresborough, England.

Read the photo gallery to find out how people still use these places to express their desires and hopes.

Wikipedia / Wikimedia Commons
Wells and fountains of desires: here are the most famous in the world
The wells and fountains of desires are an ancient tradition that is found in many cultures around the world. These places of worship have been regarded for centuries as bearers of luck and blessings, and have often been decorated with significant symbols and images.  In this photo gallery we will explore some of the most famous wishing wells and fountains in the world, from the fountain of Treviin Italy, to the petrifying well of Knaresborough, in England. Scroll through the  photo gallery to find out how people still use these places to express their desires and hopes. 
Di NikonZ7II - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Fontana di Trevi - Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy
The fountain of Trevi is the largest of the famous fountains in Rome. Tradition has it that you turn your back to the fountain of Trevi and throw a coin into the water, with your eyes closed, with your right hand resting on your left shoulder: this simple gesture ensures your return to the Eternal City.
Di Saad Akhtar from New Delhi, India - - image description page, CC BY 2.0, https://commo
Beijing's Forbidden City Well - QianqiuPavilion, China
In the Chinese capital, Beijing, you can find one of the best-known propitiatory places in the region. It is located in the Forbidden City, precisely in the Pavilion Qianqiu: in this place there is the well where visitors throw coins and express wishes for love and prosperity.
Di Arturo Nikolai - Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Santa grotta di Covadonga - Santa Cueva de Covadonga, Covadonga, Spain
In Covadonga there is a sanctuary, a statue of the Madonna and a pond. According to tradition, throwing coins into the pond ensures well-being and good luck. Also in this place is the "Fountain of the seven dogs" which, according to tradition, would propitiate a marriage within the following year to the girls who drink its water. (in the photo the chapel seen from the front)
By Chong Fat - Self-photographed, Public Domain,
Lion RockWish Well, Wong Tai SinTemple, China
Also in China there is another place well known for the propitiatory rites that are celebrated here: in this place the ritual "Kau Cim" is celebrated. This place is often visited by couples who wish to get married, because according to tradition the well fulfills the wishes of those who complete the ritual. (Photo: Wong Tai Sin Temple, Hong Kong)
By Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Upwey Wishing Well - Upwey Wishing Well
This well is located in England and more precisely in the Dorset. According to tradition, drinking water from the well with a glass is a good omen, but it does not end there. The propitiatory rite provides that the water left over in the glass must be thrown back into the well, with its back to the well.
By chris 論 - Own work, CC BY 3.0,
Petrifying well - Petrifying well, Yorkshire, Inghilterra
In Knaresborough, in the Yorkshire, there is the petrifying well. The propitiatory rite involves throwing objects inside the well, which, within a few months, will become stone. This happens because of the alkalinity of this water.
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