The destinations that plan to introduce a tourist fee in 2023

Anticipating much more tourist flows than in the previous two years, some cities or even some countries would like to introduce a tourist fee.

The Spanish city of Valencia, for example, is among the cities that would like to activate the fee, which should be paid for each night spent in hotels apartments or other type of tourist accommodation. The Italian city of Venice, on the other hand, should introduce the payment of a ticket to access the historic center or the islands of the lagoon.

But there is also Thailand, which would be thinking of charging tourists a fee to access the country.

Places that would like to introduce a tourist fee in 2023
Anticipating much more tourism flows than in the previous two years, some cities or even some countries would like to introduce a tourist fee in the course of 2023. The type of fee introduced may vary from place to place, depending on the needs.
Fee for the historic center of Venice (Italy)
The Italian city of Venice should introduce a fee to access the historic center. There was talk that the fee should also cover access to the islands and that it should not be paid by residents and tourists staying in accommodation facilities. The fee, which is expected to vary from 3 to 10 euros, could be introduced from summer 2023.
Tourist fee in Valencia (Spain)
During 2023 the Spanish city of Valencia could introduce a tourist fee for tourists who decide to visit and stay in the region. The purpose of the fee should be to support the development of local tourism.
A tourist visa in the European Union
The European Union could introduce a tourist visa in the course of 2023. It should be paid for by citizens from outside the Union, although it should not apply to those under 18 and over 70.
The entrance fee to Thailand
Thailand, by 2023, should introduce a fee for all tourists who wish to enter the country. Announced by the government, the fee should serve to cover, among others, the health costs of tourists (for any accidents or injuries).
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