Discovering Underground Naples

Underground Naples is a unique experience that should be done at least once in a lifetime. Some useful information to prepare for a visit to the underground of the Neapolitan city is outlined here. To take part in the guided tour of underground Naples, reservations are required on the institutional website, the only one that guarantees the official route ( Guided tours are conducted daily, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and a maximum of 20 people are expected to attend each one. For all up-to-date news visit the official website mentioned above.

Barbara Vellucci
Underground Naples
Napoli Sotterranea is a must-see in Naples. A substrate rich in history and linked to the rediscovery of a rare, if not unique heritage. Works of great civil engineering, left abandoned for a long time and today recovered to new life thanks to the skillful work of Napoli Sotterranea. Indescribable beauties and evocative places all to be discovered.
Barbara Vellucci
Discovering the underground of Naples
For more than 30 years, Napoli Sotterranea has offered excursions to the most fascinating and evocative places in the city's underbelly. Members of the Association are engaged-without ever having received any kind of funding from public institutions or private entities-in the recovery and enhancement, for public enjoyment, of the underground.
Barbara Vellucci
Participating in Underground Naples
Taking part in the excursion means taking a journey through history a full 2,400 years long, from Greek to modern times, 40 meters deep among tunnels and cisterns. During the excursion, in addition to admiring the remains of the ancient Greco-Roman aqueduct and World War II air raid shelters, you will visit the War Museum, the Hypogean Gardens (, the "Ariadne" Seismic Station and much more.
Barbara Vellucci
Preparing for the visit
It will be possible to visit the remains of the ancient Greco-Roman Theater, accessible from private property, free of charge. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes and a sweatshirt in the summer months. Narrow paths, such as tunnels, are absolutely optional. Discovering Naples from another point of view is an opportunity not to be missed.
Barbara Vellucci
Journey into the depths of Naples
Forty meters deep beneath the rumored and quaint streets of the historic center of Naples lies a world apart, for much as yet unexplored, isolated in its millennial quietness and yet closely connected to the city. It is the womb of Naples, from which it itself was born. To visit it is to take a journey through time over two thousand four hundred years.
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