Ten of the world's strangest places to visit

There are places on Earth that you might never have imagined: places where water is spewed up to a height of 6 metres, very peculiar hieroglyphics and perhaps belonging to some ritual, tanks rising out of the water, small hills with an inordinate number of crosses, unique rock formations - scroll down the list and discover the 10 strangest places in the world! 

In first place is Thor's Well, USA: In this area of Oregon, an impressive natural depression called the 'gateway to hell' develops. 

Thor's Well is part of the Siuslaw National Forest reserve and connects the mainland with the ocean via a series of underground caverns. In the presence of waves, water is 'spat out' up to a height of 6 metres.

Di Hywel Williams, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Maunsell Sea Fortresses, England
Built of concrete and steel for World War II, today they are totally uninhabited and are pure ghosts in the sea.
Wikimedia John Fowler
Thor's Well, USA
This area of Oregon is home to an impressive natural depression referred to as the 'gateway to hell'.
The Wave, USA
The Wave is a sandstone rock formation located in Arizona, United States, near the northern border with Utah. The formation is located on the slopes of Coyote Buttes in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness of the Colorado Plateau.
Wikimedia AndrewEnns
Spotted Lake, Canada
In British Columbia (Canada) there is a special saltwater-stained lake in which there is a concentration of various minerals, including silver and titanium.
Di Kasimys - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The Seven Giants, Siberia
In the past, they were highly venerated by the local populations. The Seven Giants were created by the action of ice and snow over the centuries.
Getty Images
Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean
Over the years, the belief has become more and more established that this is a cursed place: many ships in transit are said to have disappeared into thin air, incidents that have earned this area the name 'Cursed Triangle'.
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Salar de Uyuni, in the Andes in south-west Bolivia, is the largest salt flat in the world. It is the legacy of a prehistoric lake that dried up, leaving behind an almost 11,000-square-kilometre desert landscape of brilliant white salt, rock formations and cactus-studded islands.
Getty Images
Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
A pilgrimage site near the city of Šiauliai, Lithuania, consisting of a small hill on which as many as 4,000 crosses stand.
Getty Images
Nazca Lines, Peru
The Nazca lines are huge hieroglyphics in the driest coastal area of Peru, depicting spiders, monkeys, plants and other elements.
Getty Images
Loch Ness, Scotland
Loch Ness is located in the Scottish Highlands, and is Scotland's largest lake by volume: it has an area of 56.4 km2 and a depth of 230 metres.
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