Some of the most beautiful pink sand beaches in the world: impossible not to visit them

Summer is finally coming, at least in the northern hemisphere, and it is therefore time to start thinking about holidays, which most people will spend on beaches. Among the beautiful stretches of sand around the world, some of the most peculiar are those where the sand takes on a pink colour.

There are many reasons for this colouring, but above all, these beaches are found where there are also coral reefs, with corals that, having broken into many small pieces over the centuries, have mixed with the sand to create a unique landscape.

Of course, this is not the only reason, but it is undoubtedly the most striking. But which are the most beautiful pink sand beaches in the world? It is always difficult to make a definitive and official ranking, we have favoured the most famous ones.

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Six of the most beautiful pink sand beaches in the world
Summer is finally coming, at least in the northern hemisphere, and it is therefore time to start thinking about holidays, which most people will spend on beaches. Among the beautiful stretches of sand around the world, some of the most peculiar are those where the sand takes on a pink colour. There are many reasons for this colouring, but above all, these beaches are found where there are also coral reefs, with corals that, having broken into many small pieces over the centuries, have mixed with the sand to create a unique landscape. Of course, this is not the only reason, but it is undoubtedly the most striking. But which are the most beautiful pink sand beaches in the world? It is always difficult to make a definitive and official ranking, we have favoured the most famous ones.
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Elafonisi - Greece
This beach is very difficult to reach, but without a doubt the scenery in front of you is worth the effort. It is located 82 kilometres from Chania, one of the most interesting towns on Crete. Specifically, Elafonisi is a small islet connected to the main island by a shallow cliff, which can also be crossed on foot at low tide.
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Balos Beach - Greece
This beach is located very close to Elafonisi, and is one of the most famous in Crete. It is located on the Gramvousa peninsula, about 57 kilometres north-west of Chania and is considered a natural park.
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Horseshoe Bay Beach - Bermuda
The pink colour of the beach here is due to the coral and shell debris that has been deposited on its sands. In recent times, it has been discovered by millions of tourists, and many kiosks and souvenir shops have also opened lately. Even with all this hustle and bustle, the turquoise blue sea makes it a unique place in contrast to the pink of the sand.
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Pink Beach - Italy
Just a few kilometres from the Bocche di Bonifacio in Sardinia is the Pink Beach, one of the most picturesque places in Italy. This beach became famous in the Belpaese thanks to its appearance in Michelangelo Antonioni's 1964 film 'Red Desert'.
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Komodo Island - Indonesia
This is probably the best known pink sand beach in the world, and it is located in Indonesia. It is located in Komodo National Park, and is home to the world-famous Komodo dragon, an animal that looks more like a dinosaur than a being that can live in our times. Moreover, it is a perfect place for snorkelling guided by local divers.
Pfeiffer Beach - California (USA)
Pfeiffer Beach is located in Pfeiffer State Park, a natural area in the southern part of the State of California.  Due to the strong ocean currents in the Pacific, bathing is strongly discouraged. However, it remains a unique place to take dreamy photos and even climb the stunning cliffs. Its almost garnet colour is due to manganese deposits.
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