In Italy there is a split mountain

The Split Mountain complex in Gaeta (province of Latina) is set in the context of three rock fissures. A flight of 35 steps follows, leading to the deep, striking central fissure, which, according to Christian tradition, is said to have been formed at the death of Christ. The complex also includes a shrine and the cave of the Turk, whose hand is also said to be imprinted on the rock of the Split Mountain. The extraordinary beauty of the place and the evocative atmosphere have made it internationally famous, so much so that it is the destination of continuous pilgrimages for the faithful.

Barbara Vellucci
The Split Mountain of Gaeta
Montagna Spaccata is located in Gaeta, in the province of Latina. It is an internationally renowned site and pilgrimage destination for the faithful. The complex is set in the context of three fissures in the rock. It follows a flight of 35 steps, leading to the deep, striking central fissure, which, according to Christian tradition, was formed at the death of Christ
Barbara Vellucci
The Turk's Cave
the route also includes a visit to the impressive Grotta del Turco. Today it is no longer possible to descend all the stairs leading to it, but one stops halfway down on a lookout.
Barbara Vellucci
The hand of the Turk
Along the staircase leading into the bowels of the mountain, along the narrow rock cleft, a Latin couplet can be seen on the right-hand wall with the so-called "Turkish Hand" next to it, the shape of a hand (the five fingers in the rock) that, according to legend, was formed the moment a disbelieving Turkish sailor leaned against the rock, which miraculously became soft under his pressure.
Barbara Vellucci
Spectacular views of the gulf
Split Mountain also has a belvedere overlooking the sea, with breathtaking views. The complex can also be admired by arriving by sea, thus enjoying a perspective impossible to admire otherwise.
Barbara Vellucci
Myths, legends and history
It cannot be ruled out that ships of Saracen pirates landed in the Turk's Cave during the Middle Ages, finding refuge in the crevices of this strategic promontory.
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