Discovering Alicudi Island: the jewel of the Aeolian Islands for those seeking peace and tranquility

The beauty of Italy is recounted daily in the world's media, always discovering new little glimpses of paradise. CNN , specifically, is now totally enchanted by a small island in Sicily, called the Alicurdi island, which is part of the Aeolian archipelago, one of the most beautiful places in the world.

The points on which the U.S. media focuses are both the natural beauty but especially the quietness on the island. Not being on the traditional tourist routes, and inhabited by only a hundred or so people, the island turns out to be a masterpiece of silence, suitable for those seeking to find themselves.

A school with only four students, a harbor with fresh fish every day, and an almost heavenly peace will accompany your visit. Discover it with us.

Clemensfranz -
The CNN discovers the Alicudi Island
Always on the hunt for the most beautiful places in the world, CNN mentions the stunning Alicudi island, the westernmost of the Aeolian archipelago, which is located, for those who do not know, above Sicily. The American broadcaster listed it among "the best islands in Europe to get away from everyone and find inner peace." And he also specified that Alicudi is "wild and rugged," far from sites targeted by heavy tourist flows.
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A gem in the Eolie, the archipelago of dreams
The island is located about 63 km (we are talking about just over 30 nautical miles) from the more famous Lipari, administered by the municipality of Messina. The island is almost circular, with an area of 5 sq km. The island as a whole is practically an extinct volcano (675 meters the highest point, but under the sea it continues for 1,500 meters), which arose around 150,000 years ago and was reshaped by successive eruptions and Quaternary phenomena.
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The social dimension of the island
The CNN trip focused not only on the beauty of the place but also on the social conditions and anthropology of the place. For example, the presence on the island of fishermen allows "the purchase of fish directly from the fishermen of Alicudi". While this is something often seen in seaside towns in Italy, it may not be so in other parts of the world.
Benjamín Núñez González -
A jewel not only for humans, but also for animals
About a hundred people live continuously on the island. This means that, wildlife-wise, the area remains almost totally untouched. There are in fact plenty of sheep, goats, rabbits, and even birds, both migratory and resident. A dimension in which the human-nature relationship is fully harmonious.
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The smallest school in Europe
Incredible but true, there is a school on the Island, although it is the smallest school in all of Europe. In fact, at its core it has just four pupils and five teachers. The establishment and maintenance of this school is mainly due to the work of the school head Mirella Fanti, as well as the efforts of the local community as a whole.
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The folk folklore and legends of Alucidi
On "Le streghe di Alicudi: note di folklore eoliano", which recounts Sicilian stories and legends, there is mention of "fishermen being able to 'cut' the waterspouts and storms. The "cutting" would take place through a ritual that allowed them to save themselves from the pitfalls of the sea." Another legend is that of the flying women or "mahare arcudare".These women were, it seems, capable of turning into crows and cats, of cursing and casting spells, but especially they had the ability to fly to reach Palermo.
Benjamín Núñez González -
A land that speaks
Visiting Alicudi means having to make an effort to understand well where you are, on several levels. Indeed, the island quietly chronicles the slow change of geological history and transformations that the volcanic island has undergone. Just ask Fernand Braudel and its concept of "long duration."
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The islands Eolie
According to the newspaper "Il Giornale", in 2020 the average number of annual visitors was 600 thousand, thus one of the most visited places in Europe. The Aeolian archipelago consists of volcanic islands, and in addition to Lipari and Alicudi there are Salina, Vulcano and Stromboli (two active volcanoes), Filicudi and Panarea.
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