Lake Hillier: scientific research explains the reason for this particular coloration

Lake Hillier is an oval-shaped lake located on Middle Island, in the Australian region of Goldfields-Esperance.

What makes it truly unique is its deep pink color and unmistakable beauty. For many years, researchers have been trying to understand the reason for this particular coloration, and only recently has the scientific reason behind this phenomenon been discovered.

In this photo gallery, we are going to take you on a visual journey through the pink waters of Lake Hillier, while providing scientific explanations of the causes of this unique natural spectacle. (Source: Environmental Microbiome)

Di Kurioziteti123 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Lake Hillier: scientific research explains the reason for this particular coloration
Lake Hillier is world famous for the color of its waters, which are pink. This spectacular lake really exists and is absolutely natural. Scientific research has fleshed out the reasons why this lake has such a distinctive coloration. (Source: Environmental Microbiome)
Di Aussie Oc - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Where is it located?
Lake Hillier is a salt lake located on Middle Island, the largest island in the Archipelago Recherche, in the region Goldfields-Esperance south of the coast of Western Australia. According to research, the lake is about 250 meters (820 feet) wide and eight times saltier than the ocean.
By PruneCron - Own work, CC0,
Researchers collected samples from the lake and analyzed them using metagenomics. The result of the tests showed the presence of a large number of organisms, called extremophiles, which have adapted to survive in harsh conditions
By Yodaobione - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Thus, a large number of microorganisms including archaea, bacteria, algae and viruses are present within the lake. Data indicate that the microbiome in the lake Hillier is composed of multiple pigment-producing microbes (Dunaliella, Salinibacter, Halobacillus, Psychroflexus, Halorubrum) many of which are categorized as polyestremophiles.
By Aussie Oc - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Thus, the pink coloration depends on the presence of these organisms. These microbial species, the research states, evolved to tolerate high salt levels and populated the lake. The coloration of these organisms thus contributed to changes in the lake's coloration.
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