Madagascar? No! Cala Moresca, nature in all its glory with MM in Sardinia

The last beach on this wonderful vacation is Cala Moresce. It is difficult to reach because from the parking lot you have to walk about a kilometer of dirt road to reach the two beaches. The first sandy one has a breathtaking view facing the island of Figarolo. The second a small rocky cove can be reached after another kilometer walk past the English cemetery where the crew of a ship that sank nearby in the 1800s is buried.

A view of Figarolo Island on the road from the parking lot to Cala Moresca
During the walk you will encounter a military turret dating back to World War II.
The beach has white sand with a few stones to enter but the colors of the sea are a spectacle
A nice dip in the blue water to go counting fish
Does it feel like being in Italy ? Actually it feels like being in paradise
We take the path to reach the English cemetery and the small cove
Here we are at the English Cemetery
Stone tombs make everything look very "Pirate-like"
The anchor of the British merchant ship was used as a funerary monument
Here we come to the rock cove
And bathing is done with unexpected new friends
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