In Sardinia with MM: an evening in Porto Rotondo

Porto Rotondo is one of the pearls of the Emerald Coast. It is famous for being frequented in the summer by VIPs from all over the world. So I told myself that I should also go there with my family.

The Center
A view from the Port towards the center of the small town
But where are we in Venice?
Wooden bridges that allow passage over the canals of the Port are reminiscent of the bridges of Venice
The excursion boat
Wooooow the Port's largest motor catamaran the Shimali ... 30 meters ... it's giant
Toward the center
You go downtown in search of something to drink
The smaller boats
Toward the bottom are the smaller boats. Almost all boats are rented out for excursions, also at affordable prices
A very good refreshing cocktail
Have no fear it is non-alcoholic. But the bar where we drank it is the finest in the central square.
With my daddy
Happy after a really long and tiring day
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